On-boarding and Off-boarding

Placing ideal talent that is prepared to contribute immediately

U3 solutions begin well before a new hire’s “start date” and continue beyond their “end date.” Our commitment is to meet all staffing needs with an eye for optimal talent, efficient integration of talent into your organization, and discretionary oversight of the whole process to more swiftly address concerns should they arise.


On-boarding is a crucial process, as it is the first step a new hire makes within your organization. It is key that a new hire is both appropriately welcomed and is effectively prepared for their new role; an understanding of your company’s culture, programs, processes and policies is fundamental for a new hire to feel at home.

Let U3 handle the details

To foster this, U3 manages not only the mundane details of on-boarding – paperwork and signatures – but also the details of assuring a new hire is right for the role and is dedicated to performing to expectations and beyond.

With U3 On-Boarding Services, we commit to:

  • Developing a customized and documented process to fit your environment
  • Providing an invested HR professional to give a warm welcome and follow each new hire through their first day or week, and to ensure that all steps have been taken properly
  • Managing all your internal and government required paperwork
  • Providing Company ID card and security badges
  • Supplying workstation needs, laptop, security tokens and other necessary materials
  • Introducing Supervisor and Team Members
  • Providing Employee Handbook and relevant materials to ensure that company policies and procedures are followed
  • Working with your payroll and benefits administrators to get your new hires up and running; or U3 can act as your payroll and benefits administrators directly
  • Helping your new associates become acquainted with your culture


U3’s off boarding Services ensures the smooth and successful departure each human resource, including contingent workers, third-party service providers, and internal employees. Managers can follow a proven and amicable process that includes returning company inventory, revocation of third-party access, termination paperwork, exit interviews and more. Departures are handled appropriately every time and assure against costly and critical mistakes.

With U3 Off-Boarding Services, we commit to:

  • Developing a customized and documented process to best fit your environment
  • Communicating all final pay and benefits details with your administrators; or U3 can act as your administrator directly, in compliance with all applicable local laws.
  • Arranging for the collection of all personal belongings
  • Arranging for all company property to be returned
  • Finalizing any required documentation, details or paperwork
  • Conducting useful and actionable exit interviews
  • Managing, if so desired, the entire termination process along with off-boarding by acting as your HR or HR advisor.